Monday 25 December 2006

Everything is big in America!

This was an average size popcorn and drink! Everything is big here - the cars, the food portions and the people! We sometimes order one meal and share it because it's too much for one person to eat! Still trying to get used to the custom 20% tip which is already included in the bill when you get it - no customer discretion! Ryan nearly got into a fight with a taxi driver in Las Vegas because the driver didn't feel Ryan had tipped him enough (even though he'd given him over 10% of the fare!). Ryan told him he was lucky he even got a tip and that we didn't have to give him one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys - it all looks so exciting - you will have to teach me how to lassoo a man Taz!! Take care and lots of love, cheryl, XX